U.S. citizens and more generally U.S. persons living in France are required to file income tax returns both in the United States and in France.
Our priority is to make sure that you receive the full benefit of the 1994 French-American tax treaty provisions avoiding double taxation, which are favorable to Americans living in France.
We will assist you with your U.S. streamlined procedures and French “régularisation fiscale” to bring you into compliance with the tax authorities of both countries
Trusts and foreign bank accounts
U.S. citizens and U.S. persons are required to disclose every year their foreign bank accounts (FBAR) to the Department of Treasury if the aggregate amount on these accounts exceeds $10,000.
Since 2010, FATCA has added an extra burden since foreign bank accounts and financial assets must also be reported to the IRS on form 8938 filed along with the income return.
Furthermore, tax residents of France must report their non-French bank accounts to the French tax authorities. Under certain conditions, specific reporting is also required for U.S. trusts.
Our firm handles your foreign bank account and trust reporting, including as part of compliance procedures if necessary.
Estate planning and administration
France and the United States have very different legal systems when it comes to estate administration and gifts& estates taxes. Consequently, a comprehensive estate plan covering the legal and tax considerations in both countries is of paramount importance in order to protect your interests and ensure that your assets are transferred according to your wishes.
Our firm will assist you with the drafting and execution of your French and American wills, gift-making, and the administration of estates.